Thursday, October 27, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
2nd Annual Shitty Biker Movie Night
Alright moto-brethren, we're gonna kick off this season's films w/ Hell Ride. Clean Cut and I watched this a while back and it was the inspiration for the movie nights. It's an homage to the 60's films we watched last season. Larry Bishop wrote, directed and starred in it. He paid his dues in some original 60's biker flicks like Chrome & Hot Leather, Angel Unchained and the Savage Seven. I think I'll dig it a lot more on a second viewing after really understanding where it was coming from now that we've seen so many of the 60's biker genre classics. Having said all that, the movie is worth it alone for the women. "Beer, Bikes and Booty."
I've got some other gems lined up, too. We're gonna branch out from 60's FTW type classics and definitely check out Girl Boss Guerilla from Japan, as well as Detroit's very own Northville Cemetery Massacre (which cast real bikers from Detroit), maybe dabble in some 'Nam era flicks like Chrome & Hot Leather, check out the horror(ible) Werewolves on Wheels, see if the Mini-Skirt Mob are all they're cracked up to be, hop the pond and watch Psychomania, and eventually close it out strong w/ the Wild One. More women this time around. Can't argue w/ that.
We'll do every second Thursday starting November 17th at 7:30pm. I was thinking we could order from a different pizza place each week and have it delivered. 1) cuz everyone loves pizza, and 2) so it would save time and we wouldn't have to go out and pick up food etc.
Movie would start around 8.
Sound good? I'll send a reminder email the week before each movie w/ a link to the trailer of the flick that's on deck.
We'll also use the time to discuss clüb business for 2012, brothas...
Leave some comments on the thread if you have any suggestions or this is cool or whatever. Thursday worked for everyone except the Bandit is 50/50 on some nights. If it's not too disruptive we can move it to Mondays once in a while. That was second choice.
Outta sight!
Go Go Gadget
Thought you camera nerds might wanna check out the new GoPro. There's a press-release on engadget.
Full list of features and shit if you check out the above link. But here's the long and short of it:
"...The HD Hero2 competitively boasts that it's twice as powerful its 2009 predecessor, the original HD Hero. The new helmet cam promises to capture 1080p 16:9 footage from atop your sweaty noggin at both narrow (90-degree), wide (170-degree) and medium (127-degree) angles, and can snap up to ten 11 megapixel photos per second. The camera's mini-HDMI port, composite out, USB, SD card and HERO ports will help you share the spoils of your spills when your adventure ends -- at least until this winter, when GoPro's WiFi BacPac promises to enable live broadcasting and camera control over WiFi. Best of all? The Hero2 kills the original HD Hero's confusing 3-digit code interface in favor of a simple language-based menu.
The HD Hero2 comes in three $300 configurations: outdoor, motorsports, and surf editions, all of which are compatible with existing accessories. Too rich for your blood? Then you'll be happy to know that the previous models are getting price drops -- $200 for the original HD Hero and a paltry $150 for its "960" variant..."
Sunday, October 23, 2011
About bloody time...
Finally, season 1 of Cafe Racer came out on DVD. I just bought all 13 episodes for $25 inc s/h from their site. I'm looking forward to finally seeing it. I've watched all the Top Gear episodes from season 2-15 and I'm itching for something along those lines to chill out to. I thought the upside of getting cable was the ability to watch crap like Top Gear and Cafe Racer but I don't get either channel! The commercials would drive me insane anyway. So yeah, I'll probably have this in hand next week. Pretty stoked. Hopefully season 2 makes it to disc quicker than 1 did...
Friday, October 21, 2011
Separating the sheep from the goats
The Rapture was supposed to happen yesterday. It didn't. We're all still here on Earth. So that means unless the Mayans wipe us out in 2012, then we gotta hit up Deal's Gap. Check out this vid of a dude driving Tail of the Dragon in an Audi TT. drool...
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Throttle Yard
Looking for a vintage or collectible motorcycle? Then go here:
1 of 150 made!

You can see the for sale ad at Throttle Yard.
1 of 150 made!
You can see the for sale ad at Throttle Yard.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Beat the Brat
I came across a website about Brat Bikes. Evidently it's a popular style in Japan right now. It seems to involve taking a bobber, a chopper, and a cafe and throwing them into a blender. It's like you took apart your favorite GI Joe's and mixed and matched to make a super cool dude (and inevitably ending up w/ some bizarre dudes from the leftovers, but anyway...). It's, it's... alive!
I don't know why I'm rambling, but check out the site and the extensive gallery. There are some really unique, personal bikes in there. I dig it big time.
I was gonna buy a shirt from them but after getting a quote from the guy in Yen and converting it into USD it woulda been $72 inc s/h! Screw that. I'll just admire from afar.
Dig the tires and apehangers. I be this looks rad riding down the street. Real clean lookin, but bad ass.
Love the pipes, fork and even the seat and little sissy bar. It's like a pint size chopper.
Looks like the whole bike melted. Interesting rear red wheel.
Interesting straight pipes. Just looks fast. I dig the retro seat, too.
There are zillions of bikes on the site. Check it...
Guerilla Warfare
Last night I watched a freakin rad movie called Sukeban Gerira aka Girl Boss Guerilla. It's the third in a series of seven Japanese sexploitation flicks about girl bosses from the 70s. It's a sub-genre of Japanese cinema called Pink Film (aka softcore porn). But it's oh so much better than that...
These chicks are hot as hell, they ride motorcycles and kick major ass. The boobs are gratuitous, the fights keep coming, and there's girls getting peed on, priests w/ the clap, and monks banging bald nuns. And lots of beatings w/ sticks. Yeah, it's freakin crazy. BUT, it's actually a thoroughly enjoyable flick and I'm going to check out the other movies in the series b/c I really dug this one. It was straight up entertaining.
I noticed that the stunt drivers were...uh... dudes. They did little to hide the fact that they were dudes other than shoot from a distance. It was pretty hilarious.
Oh, the bikes... they rode small displacement UJMs from the late 60s. Almost exclusively Yamahas, but at least one Honda and MAYBE I saw a BSA but I need a second viewing. I had other things to look at.
The main boss was super hot:
I might bring this one back for movie night later this year. You cats need to see it...
Better than Bo-Rics
Tomcats Barbershop Video
I can't embed the video cuz it's Vimeo, but there's the link. It's about H-D's and haircuts in Brooklyn, NY. Very red-blooded 'merican. Captain will love it, but I don't know if he'd be stolen away from his stylist at the local salon. ;)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Chili con Moto
Clean Cut, the Captain and I went to the Chili Cook Off / Bike Show in Plymouth today.
We washed away our cares as we hit the freeway in absolutely perfect riding weather. It didn't matter that it was boring ol' 696 b/c it felt good to be alive and cruising on 2 wheels. I would trade away all the seasons just to stick w/ today's temperature. It ruled. Anyway...
The bike show was alright. We had a good time just hanging out together and whatnot, but the show is just... too family friendly! I prefer gatherings that your mother, daughter, sister, cousin, whatever, wouldn't find anything enjoyable about. This had chili, kids, cover bands, bullshit merchandise, "army of the lord" rider tents, old ladies, and happy normal people. Not my vibe. Throw into the mix a ton of Harley dudes and beige trikes, and the Prez gets sour. Having said that, we saw some diamonds in the rough. Norton Alley was there again, as well as a few really nice bobbers and choppers. We definitely saw some people do some cool shit w/ Harleys, too. Clean Cut was drooling over what someone had done to "his" bike in the way of bars and exhaust. Maybe if he ever signs on to the blog he can post some pics. He started chatting up a Rob Halford lookalike and Captain and I turned the other way. That's two nights in a row that Clean Cut has been talking to Halford-esque bikers... I'll let you draw your own conclusions.
Anyway, the above bike is another Moto Nisto bike. It looked sharp as hell.
Here are some shitty pics I took real quick on ye olde iPhone. (sidenote: signed up for the iPhone 4S today and can't freakin wait to get it. i will actually spend more time taking decent shots and video from here on out once i have a phone/camera worth its salt. the iPhone 3 is way past its prime at this point...)
Awesome gas cap. Some crazy nautical compass or somethin...
Sick custom pipes! This was probably my favorite bike of the day. Just tons of great details. It had marbles all over it, beautiful patina on the seat, spitfire skateboard wheel for a chain tensioner (?)...
This was actually in the vintage category. Don't know how old it is, but they did a great resto' job. The paintwork was a little amateur, but it was still really nice overall.
Sweet lookin old Yamaha. The battery was strapped in place w/ an old belt. Too cool.
In summation, I think the All Clubs Day is far and away the single "do not miss" moto event of the year in Michigan. Battle of the Brits is second. You wouldn't want to miss either, really.
Although I didn't get to attend the Ypsi Ton Up this season since I was out of town, that's probably third. The Plymouth Chili CookOff would be fourth, and HarleyFest would round out the events at number five (we didn't even go this year. too much testosterone and samey-ness. It was cool when it was in Hell, but when it moved it kind of lost its "charm").
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
dirty dozen
John, the gentleman who turned us on to Hocking Hills, recently sent me a link to the Southern Dozen. He read about it in a mag and has been researching the roads down there in Tennessee. It's about 585 miles to Johnson City. Couple days getting there, day hanging out, couple days getting back. Certainly something to think about in the coming year. Especially early on or later on... beat the weather and head south!
Speaking of which, I was out on 696 tonight and it's amazing how much of a difference a couple degrees can make. I was freakin cold as hell near 275 but once I got to around the Telegraph area I warmed right up. That stretch of 696 is so much warmer than the rest. Then I got off at the Woodward exit and was colder than I was when I was flying down the freeway. Felt freakin good to wail on that throttle in the crisp autumn evening...
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I came across an add for Butler Motorcycle Maps in the newest issue of MotorCyclist. It's a company that specializes in creating durable maps w/ roads that are specifically called-out and rated for motorcycles. It's a great idea. Unfortunately they don't have a ton of states documented yet, but I love the idea and it's something to keep in mind for future jaunts. We gotta do something big in 2012. At least another 5-dayer like riding out to Clean Cut Sr.'s house. Maybe we should fly out west... ;)
hot little number
That's a hot little number. Check out the link to the Cyril Huze blog for the scoop! Looks like they'll go into production by end of next year. Put on a bigger front tire and nix the McDonalds color scheme and you've got a winner!
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